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10 April 2019

5 Min Read

How to stand out during a job interview

With graduation just around the corner, several IIE graduates will start the job-hunting process, looking to put their IIE qualifications to work. Millions of graduates will apply for the same jobs at the same companies, but only a few will make it. So, how do you stand out during a job interview to secure that gig?

Do your research

Before stepping into an interview, make sure that you do the necessary research about the company and the people interviewing you. Research the company very thoroughly. Know the company's core business, its clients, competitors, and the history of the business. You can conduct this research by scrolling through the company website, or by asking current employees if you know any.

Sell yourself

While your experience, skills, and knowledge should be able to sell you, it's best to work on your own personal brand too. Stay authentic, even when tempted to put on an interview persona. After all, you don't want your employer to hire a fake version of you.

Be professional

Make sure that you are on time for your interview, and that you bring along everything that is requested for the day. Simple things, like following instructions, dressing the part, and being courteous go a long way in making a favorable first impression.

Turn the interview into a conversation, not a test

A job interview is not a test, nor are you expected to either pass or fail. In most cases, employers are simply looking for the best fit for the organisation and position. Make sure that you are armed with enough questions to keep the interview conversational. Make sure that you have conducted enough research to ask relevant questions and that you show your interest in finding out more about the organisation.

Talk about more than what is on your CV

You managed to get the interview, which is the first step in the right direction. Make the meeting worth your while. After all, this is your chance to shine. When asked to give details about your work history, or about yourself, use this as an opportunity to elaborate and give more details about your accomplishments.

Be aware of your body language

Body language involves the nonverbal cues we give, which like language speak volumes. Maintain eye contact and proper posture. Sit upright in your chair and look the interviewer in the eyes when speaking. Make sure you are not fidgeting and that you look interested.


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